Sodium Sulphide

Leather Chemicals

Product Details

We have the best quality of Sodium Sulphide with very competitive price. Our Sodium Sulphide is made with very high quality raw materials using all quality standards for the manufacturing of Sodium Sulphide.

We are currently meeting the requirements for Sodium Sulphide from our customers from various countries across the globe.

  • Sodium sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula Na2S or more commonly its hydrate Na2S 9H2O both are colorless water soluble salts
  • We offer Sodium Sulphide Yellow Flakes to all major tannery industries and to major dye manufactures in India
  • Formula Na2S and Na2S XH2O
  • Grade: 50-52 % 2. 56% and 30 % solution
  • Color Brick red Flakes and Solid Packaging HDPE
Used for :
  • To protect developer solutions from oxidation
  • As a dechlorinating agent
  • As a desulfurizing agent
  • For sulfitization of tanning extracts
  • As a bleaching agent
  • As an oxygen scavenger agent
Application areas :
  • Paper and pulp industry
  • Leather industry
  • Photographic industry
  • Water treatment
  • Textile industry
We Provide Innovated Industrial Solutions
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